Tips For Building An Energy Efficient Home

woodrose-13-IMG_3929One of the many advantages of a custom built home is that you can design a home that is energy efficient and has all the elements necessary to save you money on heating and cooling costs while lowering your carbon footprint. According to the best Greensboro home builders, there are several elements that you can incorporate into the design of your custom home to make it more energy efficient, such as 

Seal And Insulate Your Home For Energy Efficiency  

Using high-quality building materials and insulation should be a given when you are working with the best home builders. The best Greensboro home builders, like Don Mills, recommend making sure that your home is being built with high-grade insulation and that everything is properly sealed. Modern high-quality windows and doors that are properly sealed and insulated will save homeowners a lot of money on heating and cooling costs.  

Choose New Energy Efficient Appliances 

All new homes should come with Energy Star rated high-efficiency appliances including washers and dryers. When you are working with a design consultant to pick out your appliances be sure that you tell your consultant that you only want Energy Star rated appliances. Why is an Energy Star rating so important? Energy Star rated appliances have met governmental standards for energy usage and are certified to use less energy than other appliances. That means big savings for homeowners when it comes to the cost of running those appliances and it means lower greenhouse gas emissions that impact the climate.  

The Best Greensboro Home Builders Incorporate Smart Home Technology To Improve Efficiency  

Smart home technology is a great way to make your home more energy efficient. Custom home builders can make your new home a smart home so that you can save money and have an easier time running your home. With smart home features, you can turn on the heat in your home from your phone when you leave work so that you don’t have to leave the heat running all day. Just turn it on when you’re on your way home so that it’s warm when you get home. You can also set lights and appliances on timers or turn them on individually when you need them. You can run your dishwasher or washing machine in the middle of the night to use less energy and use smart home technology in other ways to save energy and make your life easier. 

Consider Choosing an Exterior Design that Includes Overhangs 

Overhangs at the front and side doors of your home as well as over the patio will greatly improve the energy efficiency of your home. Overhangs protect your doors and windows from the elements so that in the summer your air conditioner doesn’t have to work harder to compensate for extra sun heating up the home and in the winter your heater doesn’t have to work overtime to make up for cold air coming through the doors and windows. Well-sealed windows and doors with overhangs help create a truly energy efficient home.  

The best custom home builders in Greensboro have many options to increase energy efficiency in new homes. If energy efficiency is something that you are concerned about in your custom home, be sure to speak with one of the building experts at R&K Custom Homes today to learn more about energy efficiency options in a custom-built home.