Best Schools in the Oak Ridge Area of Guilford County

summerfield elementary north carolinaWhether you’re relocating to the Greensboro area or you’re looking to upgrade to a new home and neighborhood, it’s important to consider the schools in the area if you have children or ever plan to. Northern Guilford County is becoming a popular area for families and young couples for whom schools are a priority. If you want your children to have a top-notch education, consider homes for sale in Oak Ridge, NC.

Elementary Schools:

  • Oak Ridge Elementary. According to, Oak Ridge Elementary has an A- rating and is ranked 11th among Guilford County public elementary schools, where 31 of the total schools received at least an A or B rating. Ratings are based on student to teacher ratios, test scores, and parent reviews.
  • Summerfield Elementary School. Nearby Summerfield Elementary also received an A- rating and is ranked even higher on the list at number 4 due to its students’ excellent test scores that show 72% proficiency in both reading and math.
  • Northern Elementary School. Summerfield’s neighbor, Northern Elementary, is also high on the list in 9th place. Another A- school, test scores show just a slightly lower proficiency percentage than Summerfield.

Middle Schools:

  • Northwest Middle School. Another A-rated school, Northwest Middle is 7th of the 13 top-rated public middle schools in Guilford County that received a B or better rating. Student to teacher ratios of 17 to 1 and test scores of 67-68% proficiency in reading and math helped Northwest Middle to achieve its high accolades.
  • Northern Guilford Middle School. Nearby Northern Guilford Middle is ranked just slightly higher than Northwest Middle, though the statistics are nearly identical. Student ratio is also 17 to 1 and test scores show a proficiency of 61-64% in reading and math.

High Schools:

  • Northwest Guilford High School. Consistent A- ratings continue with Northwest Guilford High, making the entire progression from kindergarten to high school graduation a top-notch educational experience. Ranked 5th place out of all public high schools in Guilford County, Northwest is an excellent high school that thoroughly prepares students for the next step, whether college or a technical vocation.
  • Northern Guilford High School. Nearby you find the next best high school on the list, Northern Guilford High School at number 6, with an A- rating as well. Class size is 19 to 1 and proficiency is slightly lower in test scores, though the school remains competitive with other public high schools.

Excellent Schools Make Homes for Sale in Oak Ridge, NC Popular Among Potential Homebuyers

As you can see by the rankings on, the northwest and northern Guilford County area is a superior public school district with top-ranking schools. If you wish to build or look for homes for sale in Oak Ridge, NC, contact R&K Custom Homes: (336)643-3505.